

Odgers Berndtson: Top 5 Lessons Learned from CDAOs Successfully Implementing GenAI

As reported by Gartner in 2023, out of the 70% of organizations exploring generative AI, only 19% had piloted or productionalized models.

Although 68% of those executives believed that the benefits outweigh the risks, Gartner Group Chief of Research and Distinguished Analyst Frances Karamouzis cautioned, “Initial enthusiasm for a new technology can give way to more rigorous analysis of risks and implementation challenges. Organizations will likely encounter a host of trust, risk, security, privacy, and ethical questions as they start to develop and deploy generative AI.”

Most if not all of the CDAOs who successfully piloted or productionalized GenAI did encounter those questions, and eight have responded to the authors with interesting insights.

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Richard Pooley
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