AESC's Australia Forum will connect Executive Search professionals to engage in conversations about the big issues impacting executive talent and the profession.
360 research of the best C-suite leaders shows there are four meta-competencies. These four competencies fit neatly with our philosophy of leadership driving engagement, and engaging driving performance. Join Peter Berry as he unpacks the core competencies of successful Australian leaders and explains how executive assessments add science and rigor to selection and development. This session comes from a perspective that Leadership is consequential, measurable, and improvable.
Few of us have the confidence to make predictions about where the economy and geopolitics will take us in 2023, but one thing is certain, whether it's boom times or another crisis, the role of leadership is more important than it's ever been. Join us as we unpack what issues top the agenda for HR leaders in 2023, and how can our profession help.
We may be on the cusp of big changes when it comes to technology and executive search. Technology has undoubtedly changed the search process over the past decade by helping us effectively source talent, interface with clients, and improve productivity. The next decade may bring even more significant changes as AI and machine learning change how we source, assess, and onboard talent. Not to mention the ever-important issue of cybersecurity, with increased security risks on the horizon in 2023. A must-attend session.
What are the critical steps from search strategy through to onboarding where we can enhance the probability of success when seeking to hire diverse candidates? What are the potential derailers throughout the process? How can inclusion be built into the candidate experience throughout? And how do we ensure that there is a successful onboarding process, so the candidate is best set up for success? Join us for a candid panel discussion and bring your hard questions.