K&R Endorses USFRA’s Decade of Agriculture
Over the past 40 years, Kincannon & Reed has brought together industry executives and search professionals who align executive leadership and employees with the right roles and organizations across the ag-food value chain. Now more than ever, we need innovative solutions to feed the world and keep it healthy. K&R's clients experience the impact an innovative leader can have on a farm, in a factory, or as part of a C-Suite global team.
The vision of USFRA’s Decade of Ag aligns with Kincannon & Reed’s mission to find superior talent that develops sustainable leadership and competitive advantage for their clients. K&R is proud to support this vision and will continue to work across the ag-food value chain recruiting leaders who feed the world and keep it healthy.
What’s the Decade of Ag Vision?
It’s the future that endorsers want: a resilient, restorative, economically viable, and climate-smart agricultural system that produces abundant and nutritious food, natural fiber, and clean energy for a sustainable, vibrant, and prosperous America.
How Will They Advance the Vision?
It takes all of us. Leaders from across the food and agriculture sector are focused on advancing the vision in these four outcome areas, with more information here.
- Restoring our environment through agriculture that regenerates natural resources.
- Revitalizing our collective appreciation for agriculture.
- Investing in the next generation of agricultural systems.
- Strengthening the social and economic fabric of America through agriculture.
Today, organizations call for leadership that can balance sustainability needs and environmental requirements while meeting ever-changing consumer demands. K&R is working with their clients to ensure the next industry and organizational leaders are critical thinkers with the ability to find solutions through collaboration and problem-solving. The organization works on identifying and investing in the next generation of people who will continue to revitalize and strengthen the agriculture and food industries.