
Odgers Berndtson Launches Health & Wellness Practice Headed Up by Partner Andrew Dmytryk

Odgers Berndtson is pleased to announce the launch of a new Health and Wellness Practice led by Partner Andrew Dmytryk and designed to provide senior-level talent, leadership and recruitment project solutions for some of Canada’s fastest growing companies. Specifically catering to the cannabis, pharmaceutical, biotech and med tech industries, the new practice will work with Canadian health and wellness organizations looking to transform and grow.

Estimated to be a $7.3 billion industry by 2025, the cannabis industry has grown in complexity over the last few years as the financial reporting requirements, regulatory compliance matters and the day-to-day management have become more challenging. Biotech and medtech are not far behind – both estimated at about $6 billion in annual revenue in Canada. Not surprisingly, the biggest obstacle to growth is finding the right talent. Mr. Dmytryk brings 12 years of providing innovative talent solutions to organizations with accelerated timelines.

“Andrew has been integral in building our interim business in Canada and he has worked across many industries and functions to help our clients solve some of their biggest challenges,” said Carl Lovas, Chairman and CEO of Odgers Berndtson in Canada. “He brings a deep understanding of the specific challenges facing high-growth organizations and knows how to help them scale quickly and successfully. This new practice will build on the great work he has already been doing in the health and wellness sector.” 

Mr. Dmytryk stressed that there has never been a more exciting time for cannabis executive search.

“The industry has really grown up and is attracting top executives from consumer packaged goods, manufacturing and pharma companies. Professional management is key, as is finding specific skills sets such as finance, regulatory, quality and control, operational systems, and mergers and acquisitions. I look forward to continuing to support our health and wellness clients with best-in-class talent and leadership solutions.”

Mr. Dmytryk holds a Bachelor or Commerce specializing in International Business from the University of Ottawa and a Certificate of International Business from Grenoble École de Management in France.

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