Interim Executives: Agents of Change Video
This whitepaper provides a snapshot of interim executive services offered by AESC members globally. We’ve provided a review of global activity as well as guidance for those looking to get into the business. We’ve also looked at the future for interim and unpacked the opportunities and challenges that future may present. Interim executives can play an important role in the life cycle of a business.
Increasingly clients require interim executives to lead business transformation, change management, implement restructuring or strategic projects, facilitate mergers or IPOs, or fill an unexpected vacancy. Interim executive businesses at executive search and leadership consulting firms identify the right talent to serve specific interim leadership roles.
These firms leverage their experience and relationships to place interim executives in key positions on a short-term basis. Quality interim leadership service providers use rigorous and structured processes to ensure the best outcome for clients. The same robust quality standards and ethics that apply to AESC members apply to their interim practices. As the profession matures, interim leaders are continuously developing their areas of expertise and depth of experience. Clients see the value this expertise and experience can bring to their enterprise. Increasingly, interim executives themselves are seen as portfolio professionals who can be agents for change for organizations.