

Senn Delaney “a Heidrick & Struggles Company”: Communicating to Drive Change

A recent article from Senn Delaney provides CEOs with best practices in guiding organizations to create communication and engagement plans to motivate and improve performance. A change in culture is not change that will occur overnight, but an ongoing process that requires the CEO to play a significant role.

Not only does the CEO have to lead by example when it comes to change, but the CEO also must make a compelling case for change and help employees understand why this process is necessary.  It is crucial that the CEO communicates the plan and goal early to avoid confusion within the organization.

Senn Delaney recommends the plan should include:

  • Personal success story to demonstrate the kind of culture desired
  • Appoint “brand facilitators” to provide consistent messaging
  • Support milestones and successes
  • Demonstrate the plan; show, don’t tell

The full report is published on Senn Delaney’s website. Read the full report.


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