

Transearch: Succession Planning: Passing the Baton - John O. Burdett

Explore how the demands of the 21st century—breakthrough technology, rapid change, and evolving definitions of work—necessitate a new kind of organization and leadership. This webinar highlights the transition from the hierarchical, control-dominated structures of the past to the agile, disruption-embracing models needed for today’s fast-paced world. The increasing speed of change and the redefinition of work call for leaders who can adapt quickly and innovate continuously.

Effective succession planning is crucial in this context to identify and develop future leaders. A major research project by the Association for Talent Development found that only 35% of organizations have a formalized succession planning process, and just 14% consider it highly effective.

This webinar - hosted by John O. Burdett - provides valuable insights and strategies to ensure your organization’s leadership is prepared for future challenges. Watch now to learn more and secure your organization’s success.

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