Odgers Berndtson: Always logged on? Odgers Berndtson FTSE 350 Survey
A combination of information technology and globalization means there is little if any downtime for today’s business leaders. Most instantly turn to their email the moment they wake up, feel under pressure to work at weekends, and nearly one-fifth are worried by what they don’t know is going on in their organisations.
Odgers Berndtson surveyed nearly 300 directors of FTSE 350 companies, both executive and non-executive, on pressures on board members.
- 52% of respondents believe less time spent on compliance and regulation would help CEO’s be more effective
- 20% cite the importance of the relationship with the chairman in ensuring the CEO performs more effectively
- One fifth check their emails as soon as they wake up in the morning and the average time to leave the office is 19:20
- 40% claim they cannot perform at their best with their current workload for more than a year
- Quantity of work outstanding is the biggest worry to respondents – 47% cite this as the thing which keeps them awake at night
To read the full report, click here.
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