Odgers Berndtson: Charting the Professional Gig Economy
Odgers Berndtson looks at the rising independent consultants market and its growing future. The publication details how the increase of many management consultants looking for independent work has brought about a new sector of the gig economy that this article has termed the “professional gig economy.”
Odgers also details trend of clients opting for single-hire solutions as opposed to the services of a full consulting firm, with the following as a few of the advantages outlined in the article:
- Hiring independent consultants is cheaper than the services of a full-team, without sacrificing quality.
- Many independent consultants are willing to travel to where their clients are, opening up the number of options for finding the best person for the company.
- In some markets, using the services of a full consulting firm may be viewed as a company admitting its failings.
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