

Heidrick & Struggles: How Boards Can Accelerate ESG Performance

In this publication, Heidrick & Struggles explores how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues that were not previous concerns in a corporate climate are now factors which are highly considered by investors. According to the article, research is showing that investment strategies which consider such things as sustainability, global warming, diversity, and human rights show a better long-term performance.

Heidrick & Struggles cites leadership and talent as an overlooked and undervalued factor in ESG performance and offers the following suggestions for boards:

  • Establish an ESG early-warning system.
  • Make sure the top team has the right capabilities for driving exemplary ESG performance.
  • Make sure the organization has the ability to accelerate ESG performance.

To read the full publication, click here. 

To download the publication, click here. 

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