

AltoPartners: The Ageing Workforce : A dividend to be leveraged or an HR problem to be managed

As the global population ages, organizations face challenges and opportunities in building inclusive workplaces that embrace older employees. Ageism, outdated retirement models, and a shrinking talent pool are pressing issues, but companies can benefit greatly from fostering multigenerational workforces. By embracing older workers, implementing inclusive policies, and fostering intergenerational connections, businesses can address skill shortages and create a more resilient workforce.

Key takeaways:

  • Rethink the traditional “learn/earn/retire” career model to accommodate older workers transitioning into retirement.
  • Implement inclusive policies that eliminate ageism and rework benefits that cater to all age groups.
  • Foster intergenerational curiosity and create mentoring programs for knowledge sharing.
  • Leverage technology to upskill older workers and adapt work environments for inclusivity.
  • Select leaders who promote age-inclusive workplaces and communicate effectively across generations.

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Sonal Agrawal
Thought leadership category