The Role of Executive Assessments in the Search Process

How Psychometric Assessments Reduce Bias and Increase Hiring Success
“Psychometric assessments alongside structured interviews, references, and even simulations…provide a more holistic view of the candidate and allows for candidate comparison.”
How do you strengthen the assessment of executive candidates and reduce the risk of a bad hire? As the acquisition of executive-level talent continues to evolve to meet shifting business demands, so do the ways in which executive search firms vet candidates to ensure a successful hire. To identify the right executive talent, search firms are increasingly turning to in-depth assessments beyond typical (and critical) structured interviews.
AESC conducted extensive interviews with psychometric assessment firms and other industry experts, plus familiarized ourselves with academic research conducted on the types of assessments used, the value of developing a multi-factor assessment approach and the understanding of how psychometric assessments add context. Download our latest report to find out which assessments are most appropriate for candidate selection, learn about the varying types and the impact of using candidate assessments.
Gain Key Insights:
- 6 Common Assessment Types Available
- Why You Should Use a Multi-Measure Process
- The Benefits of Personality Assessments
- How to Create an Assessment Process That Works
- The Future of the Assessment Business
- And More