Innovation Ignited

2024 AESC Global Conference - Singapore

September 10, 2024
Conrad Singapore, 1 Cuscaden Rd
Cocktail Reception September 9, 2024
Innovation Ignited
September 10, 2024
08:00 to 17:00

Join us for a Welcome Cocktail Reception September 9, 2024 | 17:00 - 19:00

AESC members are coming together in Singapore to spark creativity, foster cross-industry collaboration, and equip individuals and organizations with the tools and insights needed to navigate an evolving landscape. Join us as we embark on a journey to ignite innovation and collectively navigate the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

Who Should Attend:

  • AESC Members | Executive Search & Leadership Consulting Professionals
  • Board Directors, C-level Executives, Talent Acquisition, Leadership Advisors, Venture Capitalists and Private Equity


AESC’s 2024 Singapore Conference will take place at the Conrad Singapore Orchard. The exclusive setting of the Paterson Room, with its contemporary design, Barrisol ceiling and an elegant foyer, the venue is the ideal setting for visionary thinkers.

Address: 1 Cuscaden Rd, Singapore 249715


Asia on the Cusp of a New Era

In an ever-evolving world, Asia is emerging as a dominant force, shaping the future of global business and leadership. Join Jeongmin Seong, Partner of McKinsey Global Institute , as he unravels the complexities of this new era and provides invaluable insights for executive search and leadership consulting professionals.

During this thought-provoking session, Jeongmin will delve into the five critical dimensions driving the era shift: World Order, Technology, Demographic Shifts, Resource & Energy, and Capitalization. As we stand on the precipice of the fourth era shift since 1950, it is crucial to understand how these dimensions interplay and impact the global landscape.

Jeongmin will highlight Asia's transformative journey from a rule-taker to a rule-shaper, emphasizing its growing influence on the world stage. He will explore five distinct regions within Asia, each with its unique challenges and opportunities, and discuss how they contribute to the continent's overall ascent.

As an executive search or leadership consulting professional, this session will equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the shifts in the global landscape and identify leaders capable of thriving in this new era. Don't miss this opportunity to gain a competitive edge in the ever-changing world of leadership.

Don't miss this opportunity to hear from one of McKinsey's leading experts and gain a competitive edge in the ever-changing world of leadership. Join us for "Asia on the Cusp of a New Era" and be part of the conversation that will define the future of global business.

Jeongmin Seong
McKinsey Global Institute
Growth of India

India's Economic Boom: Seizing Opportunities in Executive Search and Leadership Consulting.

Join our panel of AESC members as they explore India's phenomenal economic growth and its impact on the executive search and leadership consulting industry. As the fastest-growing major economy, India presents unparalleled opportunities driven by favourable demographics, a thriving start-up ecosystem, and rapid digitalization.
Our speakers will discuss the increasing demand for skilled professionals across key sectors and share strategies for navigating the challenges of the Indian market, including cultural differences and regulatory complexities. They will provide valuable tips to help you effectively tap into India's vast potential while avoiding common pitfalls.
Whether you're considering expanding into India or seeking to understand its implications on the global landscape, this session is a must-attend. Gain a competitive edge and network with industry leaders at the forefront of India's economic transformation.
Secure your spot today and gain invaluable insights into India's economic boom and its significance for the executive search and leadership consulting profession.

The Executive Search and Leadership Consulting Profession in APAC

AESC CEO Karen Greenbaum presents APAC-specific findings from AESC’s Member Outlook Survey--the only research of its kind, combining trends in the profession and unique, members-only insights including the use of AI, shifting business models, and what clients in APAC are asking of their service providers.

The presentation includes additional APAC-specific insights from AESC's 2023 client research, and preliminary data from our 2024 BlueSteps executive candidates survey.

Don’t miss this session, rich in insights and data that cannot be found anywhere else.

Karen Greenbaum

More to come


For groups and sponsorship details, please contact Sarah Mortimer at

Conrad Singapore Orchard
1 Cuscaden Rd, Singapore 249715


Thank you to our AESC Global Partners


Thank you to our group supporters